I'm Alex Kearney, I'm Science at the University of Alberta. I focus on Artificial Intelligence and Epistemology.
Today we had our first HWC in Edmonton. We had four people in attendance; everyone was either building their own personal sites on the university server, or helping people navigate the basics of building a site.
The plan is to have a weekly to bi-weekly meeting where we provide people with the tools to build their own sites. I'm starting with University pages, as it's something people should just have in general, but I'm going to write up some tutorials to motivate and guide people through the hurdles of getting involved in the indieweb community.
It's happened, I've turned into a robot. Or, rhiaro was nice and gave me a tele-presence so I could pretend to be in Edinburgh.
Things I did:
I hope we have more HWC when I'm back in Edinburgh for the winter...
Okay, I didn't realize how messed up my microformating is.
Tomorrow I'm going to:
I guess I have things to do for the EDI HWC