I'm Alex Kearney, I'm Science at the University of Alberta. I focus on Artificial Intelligence and Epistemology.
I am unreasonably excited about this Grace Hopper sticker my lab-mate gave to me.
My research lab held an archery tag house-cup. We sorted ourselves into houses and competed for bragging rights and the shiniest of trophies. Slytherin naturally won. 🐍 . . . #harrypotter #slytherin #magic #science #gradschool
All done. Finished just in time for some spring strolls. 🍃 . . . #diy #knittersofinstagram #knitting #yarn #craft #fashion #diyfashion #sweaterweather
More progress on my fisherman sweater! I don’t like seaming, so I followed @bygumbygolly’s instructions for modifying patters for set in sleeves. Just two sleeves to go!
@brooklyntweed docklight sweater with @malabrigoyarn in archangel . . . #yarn #fiber #diy #diyfashion #crafts #crafty #knitting #knittersofinstagram #workinprogress #fashion
Late night second-hand book store haul: a magical copy of Robert Brandon’s “Making it Explicit”: the big-kid version of my favorite philosopher’s work . . . #book #philosophy #secondhand