I'm Alex Kearney, I'm Science at the University of Alberta. I focus on Artificial Intelligence and Epistemology.

Popping poppies

I made glow worm socks

Backyard bee friends making the most of apple blossom season.

Spring confetti 🎉

Putting out flowers for the pollinators.

Today, while heading by the Belgravia elementary school, I found a Coyote perched on top of the tobogganing hill. It's pretty brazen for a coyote to be out in a public area like this. After getting spooked, it loped its way through the elementary school playground.

I've been debating whether to lug my camera around on the off-chance I happen to find something interesting when I'm out and about. This was reinforced by the near-miss I had yesterday with the great horned owl perched on my neigbour's garage.

I found two old friends while I was sorting my lego.

I'd love to see the distribution of random seeds chosen for ML experiments. I bet 42 is over-represented.

Losing power during the winter is an eerie thing. Really reminds you how much our way of life depends on utilities.

A socially distant visit