I'm Alex Kearney, I'm Science at the University of Alberta. I focus on Artificial Intelligence and Epistemology.

I don't think there's a public space designed with more contempt for the people using it than airports. All the modern airports are designed so that you must walk through shops. It is not a choice and there are barracades preventing you from walking straight to your gate. Why does mass transit have to pretend it's a mall?

Visited the MOMA in San Francisco with Kathy after Grad-CRAW

By far the best course I've taken was Design for Informatics: I keep finding ways to use #design thinking in interdisciplinary ways.

For anyone looking for some existing data, the Edinburgh city council has setup a site.

I'm looking to learn more about UX. Does anyone have some recommended reading?

I'm spending more time thinking about UX and how to make things easier to visually parse. Design is hard.