I'm Alex Kearney, I'm Science at the University of Alberta. I focus on Artificial Intelligence and Epistemology.

At Baker beach eating a bar of chocolate and watching the sun set over the golden gate bridge.

I met some of my Canadian neighbors on a walk through golden gate park. Seems like I’m not the only one escaping the winter in sunny California.

  • Aandered around my neighborhood
  • Almost destroyed my blog... twice
  • Went to the exploratorium after dark
  • Abandoned an application (!)
  • Dylan arrived for a visit
  • Went to the MoMa, again
  • Went to Zuni, again

I feel like I am the god of improvised baking. Did you know that the mysterious empty jam jar in your AirBNB kitchen cupboard is exactly a cup? Did you know that ikea glasses make excellent cookie-cutters?

I'm away interning in SF for three months: too short a time to really get build up the comforts of home. Life can be kind-of spartan without them, so I try to make small changes. Maybe get a tea-pot, maybe do some baking. This time I made and froze 55 scones.

Me and my new twitter friends going for ice cream at Salt & Straw after work.

The ice cream at Salt & Straw is described as some of the best in North America. That may be true, but it still doesn't hold a candle to the perfection of Mary's Milk Bar.

I wander the earth in search for an equally revelatory scoop.

I'm going to go to Homebrew website club next week.

At: Homebrew Website Club

From 2020-02-19 18:00:00 To 2020-02-19 19:30:00

I made it to San Francisco