I'm Alex Kearney, I'm Science at the University of Alberta. I focus on Artificial Intelligence and Epistemology.

It's amazing how things have changed over the weekend. On Friday I boarded a plane in San Francisco---an area with a covid outbreak---and was only asked if I'd been in contact with people traveling in Italy/China/Iran. Today the border is closed to everyone except Canadians and Americans. People who cross the border are asked to self-quarantine for 14 days.

When everyone was scrambling buying beans and pasta, I bought a little extra toilet paper. I feel like a prescient crisis champion.

Today in corona WFH: matcha custard bun and a toasty pourover. All with a view of some fresh roasting.

I've been quarantined. To stop myself from going stir-crazy I took a walk.

This painting isn’t just colourful: it’s an also an optical illusion. If you stare at it, it looks like there’s grey dots in the intersections.

I made it to San Francisco