I'm Alex Kearney, I'm Science at the University of Alberta. I focus on Artificial Intelligence and Epistemology.
It's amazing how things have changed over the weekend. On Friday I boarded a plane in San Francisco---an area with a covid outbreak---and was only asked if I'd been in contact with people traveling in Italy/China/Iran. Today the border is closed to everyone except Canadians and Americans. People who cross the border are asked to self-quarantine for 14 days.
I’m on my way home a bit early from my internship. I’m truly fortunate my team was flexible in letting work from home in my real home.
Going to isolate myself for two weeks just to be safe.
It feels so good to be on a plane.
San Francisco International Airport → Edmonton International Airport
When everyone was scrambling buying beans and pasta, I bought a little extra toilet paper. I feel like a prescient crisis champion.
Today in corona WFH: matcha custard bun and a toasty pourover. All with a view of some fresh roasting.
Went to Tartine and got a big loaf of crusty country bread.
I met some of my Canadian neighbors on a walk through golden gate park. Seems like I’m not the only one escaping the winter in sunny California.